One of the critical features of the Metro app was store selection, as the availability of all products varies between stores. We aimed to enhance the visibility and comprehensibility of our store selection feature for our customers.
"Users spend most of their time on other sites. This means that users prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know."
The task for the participants: 
1. Please tell me what you see on the screen. 
2.  Let's imagine that you are living in Neuss and want to order ten packs of Pepsi Max. What would you do?
3. Please change your selected store
Test 1 
Total participants: A two-cohort study of a total of 12 participants
Solution: We located the store name below the navigation bar/top app bar as doing the same way, but Jakob's law couldn't work this time 👎
Result: 9 out of 12 users didn't think to tap the location bar to change it from Düsseldorf to Neuss Metro market
Test 2
Total participants: A two-cohort study of a total 9 participants
Refined solution: micro interaction + informative tooltip indicates the store location bar
Result: 8 out of 9 participants changed the location from Düsseldorf to Neuss.

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